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Professional Development for Educators

Online, Flexible Start, Affordable Workshops for K-12 Educators

Spring educator professional development workshops are now underway. Registration is open through May 30, 2025. Participants will have until June 20, 2025 to complete the coursework.

Browse and register for current workshop offerings.

All workshop fees include one graduate professional development credit with transcripts issued at the end of the semester.

Login for Current Students

You must have a catalog account and be enrolled in a course. Login as a current PD student.

Educator PD Workshops to be Discontinued

The educator professional development workshops will not be offered after the spring 2025 semester. This decision was made after careful consideration of current resources and future goals. We are deeply grateful to all the educators and participants who have supported and contributed to the program's success. Your dedication to professional growth has been inspiring!


Please send your questions regarding educator professional development courses to

Professional Development Courses for Music Educators

The Institute for Music Teaching and Learning offers high-quality professional development courses for music educators.